The Thing About Trails

Here’s the thing about trails, unless you have traveled them before, you don’t know what you will see. I took mycropped-dsc_7168.jpg grandson, Colton, to Entergy Park in Hot Springs to take some senior pictures. Yes, our oldest grandson graduates this year. (Our next to oldest, Aaron, graduated last year.) As we walked the trails looking for good photo ops, I often stopped and snapped “trail” photos. The one to the right is an example. I had not walked this trail before. I wasn’t sure what I would see. I didn’t even know if it was worth the effort to climb. (I’m still not in good shape from all the chemo over the past years. My fault.)

As we climbed this trail alongside beautiful Lake Hamilton, we noted the trail curved to the right. Reaching the turn, a gazebo popped into view. Ah! A photo op. This was enhanced by a nice view of the lake from the top of this hill.

Life is like that. From day to day we encounter turns and curves. We can look at them one of two ways. We can shudder in fear or we can watch with anticipation. We may see something fantastic, or ho-hum, or disgusting. We may experience delight, apathy, or pain. We don’t know, but with the right attitude, we can gain something from each experience.